Power is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped but Governor Jonah Jang does not know that. That is why he is holding tenaciously to it like a precious heirloom passed on to him by generations of his forbears. So lusty is Governor Jang for power that he would do anything to keep it within his reach including foisting his son on the poor, helpless people of Plateau State.
At the moment Governor Jang holds the unenviable record of being the only State Governor that has appointed his biological son into his cabinet. He had earlier appointed this son of his, Yakubu, as a Special Adviser on Special Duties. Not satisfied with that, Governor Jang carried his avarice further recently by making Yakubu the State’s Commissioner for Lands and Urban Planning.
Many would describe this as the worst kind of nepotism; the people of Plateau State are mortified that their aged Governor has turned the State House into a complex for family business. No doubt Plateau State has become family business as Yakubu has all along, been running the government with his father. In fact, he is the most influential figure in his father’s cabinet. This is depressing to concerned citizens and statesmen of Plateau State. It is even more painful because such travesty is happening in a State that has virtually grounded to a standstill in the last eight years. Very few people in the State have access to life basic necessities and amenities like public water supply and quality health care. Public schools are in state of disrepair, civil servants are poorly paid and the entire citizenry are forced to engage in a daily jostle with poverty and bloody ethnic upheavals. Governor Jang currently owes three-month salaries and it wasn’t until recently that he started paying September salaries. Plateau State is clearly in need of a conscientious leadership, a Governor with humane politics and a human face.
Jonah Jang and sons Inc.

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